Welcome to Dr Michael Nazir-Ali’s official website.
Here you will be able to find out about the current
President of OXTRAD and former Bishop of Rochester and
his work. Thank you for visiting his page.

Articles / February 2010

Posted on Sat 20 Feb 2010

Telegraph: Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali: Promoting life rather than death

Hard cases, however, make bad law. We should be very wary of changing the legal tradition of the Western world, based as it is on the Judaeo-Christian view of the human person, because of extreme situations whi…continue reading »

Posted on Wed 17 Feb 2010

Standpoint: We Must Not Leave Afghanistan Yet

Not since the demise of Marxism has the world been faced with a comprehensive political, social and economic ideology determined, by force if necessary, to achieve hegemony over large parts of the world. I mean…continue reading »


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