Welcome to Dr Michael Nazir-Ali’s official website.
Here you will be able to find out about the current
President of OXTRAD and former Bishop of Rochester and
his work. Thank you for visiting his page.


Posted on Thu 19 Nov 2015

Only Christianity can rescue Europe

The large numbers of people arriving on Europe’s shores, whether refugees or economic migrants, and the evil advent of ISIS as well as other Islamist extremists, have led the historian Niall Ferguson to compare…continue reading »

Posted on Sun 1 Nov 2015

Compassion To Refugees, Not Capitulation To Islamic State

The human tide of refugees, economic migrants, young men fleeing conscription and others who have arrived on Europe’s shores shows no sign of receding. As always, there are heart-rending stories of why people hcontinue reading »

Posted on Tue 11 Aug 2015

UK’s £2.7bn in aid to countries where Christians are persecuted

Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali, the former Bishop of Rochester who is now president of Oxtrad, a charity supporting churches facing persecution, said:“Britain’s commitment to aid is praiseworthy but we must make surecontinue reading »


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Website by David Turner design by ninefootone.