Welcome to Dr Michael Nazir-Ali’s official website.
Here you will be able to find out about the current
President of OXTRAD and former Bishop of Rochester and
his work. Thank you for visiting his page.


Posted on Tue 2 Jun 2015

The Christian communities helping to heal Iraq’s wounds

FAITH FOR TODAY, HOPE FOR TOMORROW: Visiting refugees in Iraq


Iraq remains a dangerous and difficult place for everyone there but especially for its religious and ethnic minorities. Assassinations, kidnappingcontinue reading »

Posted on Mon 18 May 2015

Response to Boris Johnson’s article, "We must save Palmyra or the maniacs will r

Bishop Michael responded to Boris Johnson’s latest article in the Telegraph entitled, “We must save Palmyra or the maniacs will raze civilisation.”

He wrote,


Boris Johnson (We must save Palmyra,17 May) is…continue reading »

Posted on Sun 29 Mar 2015

How to extinguish radical Islamism

The revelation that ‘Jihadi John’ is, in reality, a young Londoner, the departure of three young women from another part of London to serve ISIS in Syria and the poll showing that a significant minority of Musl…continue reading »


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Website by David Turner design by ninefootone.