Welcome to Dr Michael Nazir-Ali’s official website.
Here you will be able to find out about the current
President of OXTRAD and former Bishop of Rochester and
his work. Thank you for visiting his page.


Posted on Thu 1 Sep 2011

Behind & Beyond 9/11

Ten years on from the ghastly atrocity of 9/11, and all that followed it, it is worth asking about ‘the stagnant and fetid waters’ that have given birth to terrorism on such a vast and well-organised scale. Com…continue reading »

Posted on Sun 21 Aug 2011

ConservativeHome: How do we give our young people the values they need?

Someone said recently, in the aftermath of the rioting, looting and killing“ ”this is what a godless society looks like". It is certainly true that we have created a situation where people have only material an…continue reading »

Posted on Sun 14 Aug 2011

Daily Telegraph: The new barbarism [half way down page]

SIR – We write as senior church leaders whose congregations have been affected by the recent violence on our streets.

What made Britain great was a sense of responsibility, of accountability to one another and,…continue reading »


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Website by David Turner design by ninefootone.