Posted on Tue 17 May 2011
Standpoint Magazine: Freedom in the Face of Resurgent Islam
As I have recently returned from a tough but rewarding visit to Iraq, my mind has turned quite naturally to the role of religion in that part of the world and particularly to what is happening to Islam there an…continue reading »
Posted on Tue 17 May 2011
Guardian: A true resurrection in Iraq
The savage attack on Christians worshipping at Our Lady of Salvation Chaldean Catholic church in Baghdad drew the world’s attention to the violence against Christians and other minorities, such as the Mandaeans…continue reading »
Posted on Mon 9 May 2011
The Times (£): How to cure Pakistan of its Islamist cancer
As children in Pakistan in the 1960s we were brought up with many Muslim friends, neighbours and relatives. At my Christian school, 90 per cent of the pupils were Muslim but there were also Hindus, Parsis and e…continue reading »