Welcome to Dr Michael Nazir-Ali’s official website.
Here you will be able to find out about the current
President of OXTRAD and former Bishop of Rochester and
his work. Thank you for visiting his page.


Posted on Thu 8 Nov 2012

Marr ignores Jesus in BBC history of the world

Andrew Marr has been accused of a ‘cavalier and unsympathetic’ attitude towards Christianity after failing to include Jesus in a landmark BBC television history of the world. Christians, including Lord Carey, …continue reading »

Posted on Wed 18 Jul 2012

Telegraph (letter): Immigration policy needs review

SIR – I am in favour of an immigration policy that prevents new arrivals from becoming a drain on the taxpayer (report, July 16). I must question, however, the new requirement that British men and women who hav…continue reading »

Posted on Sat 30 Jun 2012

Telegraph: How Mohammed Morsi interprets Sharia law will be a crucial test

Egypt is going to be a test case. A declared Islamist has been elected president and any parliament in the foreseeable future is likely to have an Islamist majority. Not only is Egypt the most populated country…continue reading »


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Website by David Turner design by ninefootone.