Posted on Thu 8 Nov 2012
Marr ignores Jesus in BBC history of the world
Andrew Marr has been accused of a ‘cavalier and unsympathetic’ attitude towards Christianity after failing to include Jesus in a landmark BBC television history of the world. Christians, including Lord Carey, …continue reading »
Posted on Wed 18 Jul 2012
Telegraph (letter): Immigration policy needs review
SIR – I am in favour of an immigration policy that prevents new arrivals from becoming a drain on the taxpayer (report, July 16). I must question, however, the new requirement that British men and women who hav…continue reading »
Posted on Sat 30 Jun 2012
Telegraph: How Mohammed Morsi interprets Sharia law will be a crucial test
Egypt is going to be a test case. A declared Islamist has been elected president and any parliament in the foreseeable future is likely to have an Islamist majority. Not only is Egypt the most populated country…continue reading »